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Handling classes with d3

Here is a list of some helpful uses of d3’s class operations using the methods classed and attr.

Throughout the post, we will be using the sample as follows:

<div id="example" class="firstClass secondClass"></div>

Add a class to selection

A class can be added by using classed with the new class as a string and boolean value true."#example").classed("addedClass", true); 

The result:

<div id="example" class="firstClass secondClass addedClass"></div>

Remove a class

To remove a class, set the boolean parameter to false."#example").classed("firstClass", false);

The result obtained from the original example would be:

<div id="example" class="secondClass"></div>

Replace a set of classes

In case you don’t know about the existing classes or you simply want to remove all the classes and/or replace with a new value, you could use attr method.“#example”).attr(“class”, ”thirdClass”);

The result obtained from the original example would be:

<div id="example" class="thirdClass"></div>

Check the existence of a class

If the classed method is used without the second boolean parameter, it will return the existence of the defined class.


For the original example, the above code would print true.

Toggle a class

By using the above described pieces of code, we can write a method to toggle the class of a selection."#example").classed("newClass", !"#example").classed("newClass"));

The same could be written as:

var example ="#example");

example.classed("newClass", !example.classed("newClass"));

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