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This post explains how to combine git commits by using git rebase and git squash.

Let's assume that we have a couple of commits as follows. --oneline gives the short version of git log output.

$ git log --oneline  
c123456 Edit file-B again  
b234567 Edit file-B  
a012345 Edit file-A

Quick tips: vim commands
  • :wq - to save and exit
  • i - to enter Insert mode
  • Esc - to enter Command mode from Insert mode
Google more on vim commands.

Let's assume we want to squash the edits to file-B together as one commit. By using git rebase, the history will be rewritten.

$ git rebase -i a012345  

The above command will open the editor with commit info up to the specified commit. Enter the Insert mode and edit the log as follows:

pick b234567 Edit file-B  
squash c123456 Edit file-B again 

Save and exit the editor and that's it! Check the commit logs again to ensure the results.

If you have already pushed your changes to a remote, you might need to force push your changes.

git push --force

That's it! Let me know if you encounter any problems or have any comments. Cheers!

Internship diaries #5

It’s the end of the internship experience and I feel lucky to have such a wonderful time at WSO2. I learned a lot on open-source technologies, middleware and their applications, ethics on JavaScript libraries, web services and most of all, problem solving, which had been contributing to the increase of my StackOverflow reputation as well.

As for extra-curricular activities, I learnt a lot about Table Tennis, Foosball and Carom and I even participated in the Tea-time championship as a part of Titans. The Secret Santa was one of the most exciting memories which include lunch outings and ice-cream outings.

As for the Data Mapper, the main work done during this phase was adding the format conversion functions.

Since the tree generation and the backend functionality was dealt with a JSON schema as the data, the data selected by the user had to be converted to JSON schema as well. The simplest was JSON to JSON schema, which was achieved by iterating over the keys and values in the JSON object to generate a matching JSON schema.

The CSV to schema conversion was achieved using an external library called mr-data-converter which converts CSV data to JSON which will be again converted to JSON schema by my previously written code.

XML and XSD conversion was the troublesome work since I was unable to find external opensource libraries with compatible licenses to use in the app. Most of the available libraries work with Node.js which again rules out the context of the app because the Data Mapper is supposed to be run in a static environment.

I achieved XML conversion using the HTML parsing functions and used its native methods to traverse through the XML. An interesting concept I came across during this conversion was the use of attributes in XML. And I had to come up with a key attributes to define the attributes in an XML content. For example,

<name id="345"> myName </name>

will be converted to:

name: {
        type: "string",
        attributes: {
                      id: {
                            type: "string"

XSD conversion too had its own troubles with its namespaces and type definitions. XSD was a whole new topic for me and I learnt quite a lot about the tag names and their usages. During the conversion, I used a function where the first iteration would save the definitions and determine the root element, and a second iteration would traverse the root and build the schema.

Once the conversion was completed, I tested the functionality using SalesForce sample files which gave satisfactory results.

After taking the Data Mapper to a halt, I started looking into web services, especially RESTful web services. I was assigned with a task to develop a use case by incorporating a web service using JAX-RS and WSO2 products such as ESB, DSS and API manager. Currently I have worked around DSS to bind to a MySQL database, a web service to read information and I'm still working on connecting them using the ESB.

This internship experience has been such a wonderful time in my life. I learnt a lot on coding and working ethics, I improved my soft skills, especially on communication criteria, I got to meet some interesting people, share the knowledge as well as some good laughs. But all good things must come to an end. Only God knows what might be waiting for me in the coming new year, and I believe that the goodness will keep coming in. Thank you and Good Bye WSO2.

In a previous post, we discussed how to use a MySQL database in a data service using WSO2. The sample in this post will be updating the same data service, by adding a new query with a parameter and invoking it in REST style.

At a glance, the final output of the sample will be:

Add a new query

Let's add a new query to the last data service we created. In the Services list, when you click on a service, you will be directed to the service dashboard. The edit options are available under Specific Configuration. Let's edit using the wizard.

Click Next until the Queries are reached and add a new query with a parameter as follows. Note the ":fname" parameter in the SQL. After entering the SQL, click on Generate Input Mappings, which will automatically add input mappings.

Let's define an XML output as follows:

Click Save and Next. Let's skip the Operations and instead, add a Resource in the next page. 

Add a resource

This is where you will be mapping the path and parameters to the query we defined. In the Add resource dialog, define the desired path pattern and select the query, and the selection will automatically bind the parameter names.

Click Save and deploy the service. Try out the results using paths such as 

In this post, we created a REST service from patterns in Netbeans IDE and now we will be creating one manually using Jersey in Eclipse.

Create the project

I'm using Mars 2 distribution of Eclipse. To create the project, select New→Dynamic Web Project under Web. 

I'm using Apache Tomcat server v8.0. Click Next and set the build class location and click Next. Make sure to Generate web.xml and click Finish.

Add Jersey to the project

From this Jersey download site, download the bundle( I downloaded  Jersey JAX-RS 2.0 RI bundle ) which is a zip file containing the jars and dependencies. Copy all the jars (in api, ext and lib directories) into our project's WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory. Refresh the project in Eclipse to make sure they are loaded.

Create the class

Now it's time to add the class to set the messages. Let's add a package named hello to src (Note: this value will be used in web.xml) and create a class in it as follows:

package hello;

public class Hello {
    public String sayPlainTextHello() {
      return "Hello Jersey";


Configure web.xml

Update the web.xml file as follows. This will register Jersey to handle requests.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0">
  <display-name>Hello World REST example</display-name>
    <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>

Run the service

You can run the service by right clicking on the project and choosing Run as →Run on server to run the service. Go to http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldREST/rest/hello to view the results.

This post presents a sample data service created by WSO2's Data Services Server and incorporates a MySQL database.

Installing WSO2 DSS

You can follow the instructions on this document to install the server.

The database

I will be using MySQL as the source of the data. Therefore your machine must have MySQL installed in it. 

Quick tip: 

How to install MySQL in Ubuntu: use following commands.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

To set up JDBC Driver: 

$ sudo apt-get install libmysql-java

and add ":/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar" to the PATH in etc/environment. Check related links for more information.

Additionally, you need to copy the mysql-connector-java-5.XX-bin.jar file into the /repository/components/lib/ directory.

I have created the following simple table(named person) in the database peopledb, which will be used in this sample.

Create the data service

Start the Data Services Server (In Linux, run command ./ in server_home/bin)

In the Main tab, under Services →Data Service, click Create. Specify a name and click Next.

Add new data source

Specify a name for the data source and set the parameters to point to the MySQL database.
Save and click Next.

Create a query

Just like its name stands for, the queries retrieve/write data. The following settings define a query to get all the entries of the table. This section introduces another query and an operation that uses a different sql query

The output is set as xml and People and Person are set as group and row so as to get an output in the form of:

To map the output of the query to the xml tags, an output mapping must be defined. Click on Add New Output Mapping and set the mappings as follows.

Save and click Next.

Add operation to query

An operation can bind a query to the server. Simply define a name to the operation and set the query.
Click Finish and you will be redirected to the services page with your new service up and running.

Deploy the service

The new service will be running if the defined settings were correct. Clicking on the service will open the statistics of it.

As the Endpoints, it will show the URL of the service we just created. To use the operation we defined (getPeople) simply go the URL:-

Multiple queries and operations

The following is another query added to the same data service to get information on one entry. Add a new query as follows:
I have used JSON as the output format. And bind an operation to it as follows. 

Here is another query - an insert query to add Barry to the table.

Related links

In this post, we went through a simple hello world application in JAX-RS and now we're going to widen our circle a wee bit to add some calculations and read @PathParam's.

1. Create a web application

Just like the last time, create a new project, choose Java Web and Web Application from the list, select a server (I chose Glass Fish) and create the project. 

2. Add the logic 

Now let's add a class that will be responsible for calculating the rates when the currencies are passed as parameters. For this, I used a package named exchangerate in which I created the CurrencyCalculator class with the following code.

public class CurrencyCalculator {

    private HashMap<String, Double> rates;

    public CurrencyCalculator() {
        this.rates = new HashMap();
        this.rates.put("USD", 1.0); //using USD as the base
        this.rates.put("EUR", 0.933);
        this.rates.put("LKR", 149.132);
        this.rates.put("AUD", 1.345);
        this.rates.put("YEN", 114.123);

    public double getExchangeRate(String from, String to) {
        if (rates.containsKey(from) && rates.containsKey(to)) {
            double toVal = rates.get(to);
            double fromVal = rates.get(from);
            double rate = toVal / fromVal;
            return rate;
        return 0;

3. Add the REST service

Now it's time to write the service that will connect the user to the above logic. Just like the last time, right click on the project, select New→RESTful Web Services from Patterns. Select Simple Root Resource define the path and MIME type. 

4. Add PathParams to the service

Our goal is to match a URL like rates/USD/LKR to the above class's getExchangeRate("USD", "LKR")

rates/USD/LKR  →  getExchangeRate(USD,LKR);

For this we will have to use @PathParam annotations.

The following format is used to decode the path as a parameter to a method.

public class ClassName {


    public String methodName(@PathParam("name") String name) {
        return "passed value: " + name;


The result of the above would be:

myPath/sachithra  →  "passed value: sachithra"

5. Bind logic and path 

Using the above format, let's use an instance of the CurrencyCalculator and bind a path with 2 segments to a method with 2 parameters. 

public class ExchangeRate {

    private final CurrencyCalculator rates;

    public ExchangeRate() {
        rates = new CurrencyCalculator();

    public String getRates(@PathParam("from") String from, @PathParam("to") String to) {
        double value = rates.getExchangeRate(from, to);
        String resultText = "";
        if (value != 0) {
            resultText = "1 " + from + " is eqdual to " + value + " " + to;
        } else {
            resultText = "Sorry, the currencies you defined are invalid or not yet implemented.";
        return resultText;


6. Run the service

Deploy and run the project and try out the results by using paths (eg: http://localhost:8080/ExchangeRate/webresources/rates/USD/LKR).

The complete implementation of the two classes can be found on this gist.

This post explains steps to create, deploy and run a simple Hello world application in JAX-RS (in Netbeans).

Update: Check this article to add Jersey manually.

1. Create a web application

In Netbeans IDE create a new web project by File→New Project. Select Java Web in categories and choose Web Application in Projects.

Define a project name and set GlassFishServer as the server. If it is not installed, you may have to install it - simply choose Add and install it on the go. Once the project is created, the index file will be opened in the Source pane.

2. Add the Root Resource Class

You can refer this article from Oracle Docs for more information on Root Resource Class and the annotations. 

The easiest way to add the Root Resource Class is to use the pre-designed template from Netbeans. For this, right click on the project clicke New→RESTful Web Services from Patterns. 

Select Simple Root Resource and define the resource package name, path, class name and MIME.

Once finished, the will be added and appeared in the Source pane.

In the newly created class, find the getHTML method and return a valid HTML message.

public String getHtml() {
        return "<html lang=\"en\"><body><h1>Hello, World!!</body></h1></html>";

What did we just do?

public class HelloWorld {

    public String getHtml() {
        return "<html lang=\"en\"><body><h1>Hello, World!!</h1></body></html>";


Just before the class definition, there is an annotation @Path("helloworld") which binds the relative URI webresources/helloworld into the HelloWorld class. The webresources/ path was actually set by the template, which is defined by in the ApplicationConfig class in the package. 

The @GET is similar to the HTTP GET method and the method following the GET annotation represents the method to be executed.

The @Produces defines the output format, which in our case was set to TEXT_HTML, which is why we are returning an html output.

Refer this article for more info on annotations.

3. Test the web service

Right click on the project and click Test RESTful Web Services. If it prompts for configuration, go for the defaults set by the dialog box and click OK.

The test will deploy the application and initialize a test client in your browser. Click on helloworld resource on the left and click Test on the appearing pane to test the resource.

4. Run the service

When running the application, it will show only the contents of the index file regardless of the service. The service can be accessed by the path defined in the Test client (in the above test client it is http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldREST/webresources/helloworld).

You can add the path to the index file as in:

<a href="webresources/helloworld">Go to hello world</a>

Or it could be set as the default in run configuration on the project properties. Right click on project and click Properties→Run and define the Relative URL (for the above, it would be webresources/helloworld).

This post contains a general explanation on web services and related topics. You can refer related links for detailed guides on this topic.

What is SOA?

A service - a repeatable business task (eg: get exchange rate)
Service orientation - how a business is integrated as services
Service oriented architecture (SOA) - an IT architectural style that provides service orientation

A web service is an implementation scenario of SOA, which is encompassed by SaaS or Software as a Service.

What is a web service?

Simply put, a web service is a piece of software focusing on a specific task, designed to be used through a set of methods and parameters.

For example, imagine you are creating an app that has the requirement to get the conversion rate between Sri Lankan Rupee and USD. You can go for the tiring method of saving your own information in a database and write code to get the data. Or you can use a web service (say developed by company-A) that does that specific task for you, where you have to use a method (say getExchangeRate) to get required information. Sometimes, you will have to pass certain parameters too (like the type of currencies, LKR and USD).

(Update: this post presents a sample RESTful exchangerate service.)

The beauty of a web service is encapsulation. In the above scenario, you did not have to worry about how the data was stored or calculated.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the definition of web services again.

Web services is a technology for transmitting data over the internet and allow programmatic access to data through standard internet protocols.

Who provides and uses web services?

In the above scenario, you were the service requester and company-A is the service provider. There has to be a service broker who will handle the directory and support the registration of services.

The language used to exchange data is XML and the communication is provided by SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). The services are described using WSDL (Web Services Description Language) and they are listed and searched for with the help of UDDI (Universal Discovery Description and Integration).

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