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How to share a project using GitHub Desktop – no tough business

If you are one of those who have been trying to use Git but were blocked by the complex keywords and commands – join the club! Here is a simple guide to share your project on GitHub with no hassle.

1. Install Git desktop

You can follow this link and simply install it like any other app and add your Git user details.

2. Create a repository

You can easily create a new local repository using this app, you only have to click on the “+” sign and define a location to save your work.

Once you create the repo, you can move your folder into the repo by using the File Explorer. If you have not started on a project yet, you can set the location to the repo when you start building your project.

3. Commit the changes

Once you move your project into the newly created repo, you will be able to make your first commit. By now you must be aware of what commits do. It is a method to keep track of the changes you make in your project.

Git desktop allows you to view the history of the commits and changes you have made.

4. Publish the repo

So far you have been dealing with your local repository. If you want to share it with somebody else, you must upload the contents to GitHub. Git desktop has a cool “Publish” button which will allow you to upload your repository.

5. Add collaborators

Once your project is up above, you can add your teammates as collaborates to the repository.

6. Let them clone it

Once you add your teammates as collaborators, they can clone the project through Git desktop.

7. Sync and sync and sync!!

Once everything is set up, all you have to do is to commit and sync. Remember that committing will only save the changes in your local repo. So if you want to push your changes to the cloud or to get the changes everybody else has made, you have to sync your repo.

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